Our Statutes
Section 1 Name, registered office and area of activity
1) The association is called Austrian Musculoskeletal Oncology Society (AMSOS)
2) It is based in Vienna and extends its activities to Austria
Section 2 The purpose of the association, whose activity is not for profit, is:
1) Establish training guidelines for working as a tumor orthopedist
2) Platform for associated disciplines (radiology, pathology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, oncology, plastic surgery, vascular surgery, pediatrics)
3) Promotion of science in tumor orthopedics on the basis of the Vienna Bone Tumor Register
4) Specification of guidelines based on scientific knowledge for diagnosis and treatment in tumor orthopedics (training criteria)
5) Promoting training and further education in the field of tumour orthopaedics with the aim of establishing a training course for the qualification as a tumour orthopedist.
6) Linking and maintaining national and international contacts
7) Establishment of fellowships for tumor orthopedics with the aim of standardised diagnosis and therapy of skeletal and soft tissue tumours
8) Organisation of regular events
9) Establishment of a homepage
Section 3 Means of achieving the purpose of the association
1) Regular meetings for case meeting
2) Training events, working groups, literature gathering, congress events, publications, public relations (media presence and homepage)
3) Safeguarding interests towards authorities and professional representatives
4) The necessary material resources are to be raised by:
– a) Membership fees
– b) Proceeds from events and company-owned enterprises
– c) Donations and other donations
Section 4 Types of Membership
1) The members of the association are divided into ordinary and extraordinary members as well as honorary members
2) Ordinary members are those who participate fully in the work of the association. Extraordinary members are those who promote the activities of the association mainly by paying an increased membership fee.
Section 5 Acquisition of membership
1) Ordinary and extraordinary members of the association may become all physical and legal persons.
2) The Board of Directors shall make a final decision on the admission of ordinary and extraordinary members. Admission can be refused without giving reasons.
3) Honorary members are persons who are appointed for special services to the association.
Section 6 Termination of Membership
1) Membership expires by death (in the case of legal persons due to loss of legal personality), by voluntary withdrawal, by cancellation and by exclusion.
2) Withdrawal can take place at any time. It must be notified to the Board of Directors at least 3 months in advance.
3) The exclusion of a member from the association can be ordered by the board due to gross violation of membership obligations and dishonorable conduct. (The expulsion is admissible, until the members’ rights are suspended until their decision is made).
4) The withdrawal of honorary membership may be decided for the reasons set out in paragraph 4.
Section 7 Rights and Obligations of Members
1) The members are entitled to participate in all events of the association and to claim the facilities of the association. Voting rights in the Annual General Meeting as well as the right to vote and stand as a candidate are only available to ordinary members.
2) The members are obliged to promote the interests of the association to the best of their ability and to refrain from everything, which could destroy the reputation and purpose of the association. They must observe the statutes of the association and the decisions of the association bodies. The ordinary and extraordinary members are obliged to pay the membership fees on time at the annual rate decided by the Annual General Meeting.
Section 8 Association Bodies
Organs of the association are:
1) the General Assembly
2) the Board of Directors
3) the auditor
4) the arbitral tribunal
Section 9 General Assembly
1) The Annual General Meeting is held annually.
2) An extraordinary general meeting shall, at the resolution of the Board of Directors or the Annual General Meeting, take place within four weeks at the written reasoned request of at least one tenth of the members or at the request of the auditors. .
3) All members must be invited in writing at least two weeks before the date for both ordinary and extraordinary general meetings. The meeting must be scheduled with the agenda. The convening is carried out by the Board of Directors.
4) Proposals for the Annual General Meeting must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least three days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
5) Valid decisions, with the exception of those on the request for the convening of an extraordinary general meeting, can only be taken on the agenda.
6) All members are entitled to participate in the General Assembly. Only the ordinary and honorary members are entitled to vote. Each member has one vote. Legal persons shall be represented by an agent. The transfer of the voting rights to another member by means of a written authorisation is permitted.
7) Elections and resolutions in the General Assembly are usually carried out by a simple majority of votes, but decisions to amend the statute of the association or to dissolve the association require a qualified majority of two-thirds. of the valid votes cast.
8) The General Assembly shall be chaired by the President, whose prevention of the 1st Vice-President. If this is also prevented, the 2nd Vice-President.
Section 10 The following tasks are reserved for the Annual General Meeting:
1) Receipt and approval of the accountability report and the clearance of accounts
2) Appointment and removal of the members of the Board of Management and the auditors
3) Determination of the amount of membership fees for ordinary and extraordinary members
4) Awarding and withdrawal of honorary membership
5) Decision on appeals against exclusions from membership
6) Resolution on amendments to the Articles of Association and the voluntary dissolution of the association
7) Deliberation and decision-making on other issues on the agenda
Section 11 The Board of Directors
1) The Board consists of the President, two to four Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer. All members of the Board of Management are elected by the General Assembly by a simple majority of votes for a term of two years. Direct re-election of the President in uninterrupted order is possible. The other members of the Executive Board may be re-elected.
2) The Board of Directors has the right to co-opt members, for which subsequent approval must be obtained at the next annual general meeting.
3) The Board of Directors shall be convened in writing or orally by the President, in his prevention by his first Vice-President. The Board of Directors has a quorum if all members are invited and at least half of them are present.
4) The Board of Directors takes its decisions by a simple majority of votes; in the event of a tie, the vote of the President shall be decisive. The president is in charge, and his first vice-president is prevented from doing so.
5) The Annual General Meeting may at any time remove the entire Board of Directors or individual members by a 2/3 majority.
6) The members of the Board of Management may at any time declare their resignation in writing. The resignation shall be addressed to the Executive Board, in the event of the resignation of the entire Board of Management, to the Annual General Meeting. The resignation will only take effect with the election or co-optation of a successor.
Section 12 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The board is responsible for the management of the association. It is assigned all tasks which are not assigned by the statutes to another body of the association. In particular, the following tasks fall within its scope:
1) preparation of an annual proposal and the preparation of the accountability report and the clearance of accounts;
2) Preparation of the General Assembly
3) Convening of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting
4) Management of the association’s assets
5) Admission, exclusion and removal of members of the association
6) Admission and termination of employees of the association
7) Implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly
8) Procurement of all transactions which are not reserved for the General Meeting or assigned to another body of the association in accordance with the Statutes.
Section 13 Special obitues of individual members of the Board of Management
1) The president is the highest club official, he is responsible for representing the association, especially to the outside world, to authorities and third parties. He chairs the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors. In the event of a risk of delay, he is entitled to make independent orders under his own responsibility, even in matters that fall within the scope of the General Meeting or the Board of Management; however, these require the subsequent approval of the competent association body.
2) The secretary must assist the president in the conduct of the association’s business. It is responsible for the conduct of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the Executive Board.
3) The cashier is responsible for the proper money of the association.
4) Written copies and notices of the association, in particular, the association’s obligatory documents, must be submitted jointly by the President and the Secretary, provided that they relate to monetary matters, by the President and the Cashier.
Section 14 The auditor
1) The auditors are elected by the General Meeting for a term of two years; re-election is possible.
2) The auditors are responsible for day-to-day audit and auditing of the financial statements. They shall report to the General Assembly on the outcome of the review.
3) For the rest, the provisions of Section 11 apply to the auditors by analogy.
Section 15 The Arbitral Tribunal
1) In all disputes arising from the association relationship, the arbitral tribunal shall decide.
2) The arbitral tribunal shall be composed of five ordinary members of the association. It is formed in such a way that each part of the dispute, within eight days, nominates two members as arbitrators to the Board. They shall elect, by a majority of votes, a chairman of the arbitral tribunal. In the event of a tie, the lot decides among the proposed votes.
3) The arbitral tribunal shall make its decision in the presence of all its members by a simple majority of votes. It decides to the best of our knowledge and belief. His decisions are final within the club.
Section 16 Dissolution of the Association
1) The voluntary dissolution of the association can only be decided in an extraordinary general meeting convened for this purpose and only by a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast.
2) This General Meeting must also decide on the liquidation if there is any association assets. In particular, it must appoint a liquidator and decide to whom the liquidator must transfer the assets remaining after the liabilities have been covered. This asset shall, as far as possible and permitted, fall to an organisation which pursues the same or similar purposes as this association.